Job Details

Eastern Washington University
  • Position Number: 314477
  • Location: Cheney, WA
  • Position Type: Communications - Speech

The College of Business & Public Administration at Eastern Washington University invites applications for a tenure track faculty position as either Assistant or Associate Professor of Public Administration in the Department of Urban Planning, Public and Health Administration to begin September 2013.

The Masters in Public Administration Program began at EWU in 1974. Its students come from a wide variety of backgrounds and range from recent graduates of bachelor's programs to experienced professionals within 10 years of retirement. . Its faculty team includes academics and practitioners. The MPA program has dual degrees with urban and regional planning, social work, and the MBA program. It also cooperates with the health services administration graduate certificate program, allowing students interested in health services administration to obtain a master's degree. An urban, professional program, its courses are taught in downtown Spokane in an evening and weekend schedule.

Associate Professor candidates will be expected to be able assume the role of MPA director, a position that results in approximately 33% administrative release time. The MPA director is responsible for recruiting and advising students, and leading the program in such areas as curriculum design, assessment, and accreditation.

Core course teaching areas in which the program needs assistance include: research methods, personnel, and budgeting. Elective courses could be in such public administration areas as finance, international/comparative public administration, labor relations, nonprofit administration, or in other programs in the department or college such as planning, health services administration, or economics. Because Eastern Washington University is developing additional on-line program capacity, candidates should at minimum indicate an interest in on-line teaching and experience in on-line teaching is desirable.

Position is open until further notice; screening will begin after March 15, 2013. To be assured full consideration, your application must be complete and submitted through the online portal by the screening date. All materials will be held in strictest confidence; references will not be contacted until candidates have been notified.

Eastern Washington University is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty, staff, students, and academic program offerings and to strengthening sensitivity to diversity throughout the institution. Eastern Washington University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, and applications from members of historically underrepresented groups are especially encouraged.

Conditions of Employment:

o Multiple work locations (Although the majority of the work will be at the Riverpoint campus, some specific assignments may require work both on the Cheney campus and the Riverpoint campus in a single day.)

o Candidates hired in with the rank of Associate Professor must go up for tenure during their third year.

o Contact the Office of Human Resources at 509-359-2381 to obtain a copy of the Essential Functions Analysis which will describe conditions of employment, such as physical demands.

Eastern Washington University is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty, staff, students, and academic program offerings and to strengthening sensitivity to diversity throughout the institution. Eastern Washington University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, and applications from members of historically underrepresented groups are especially encouraged. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS: Eastern strives to satisfy all requests for special access needs for persons with disabilities. Requests for such accommodations are welcome and may be made by calling Human Resources at: (509) 359-2381.



o Doctoral degree in public administration or related field; doctorate must be conferred no later than 9/15/2013.
o At least one year teaching experience at the college or university level
o At least some experience teaching at the graduate level
o Willingness to learn and use on-line teaching approaches
o Demonstrated interest, ability and/or experience promoting cultural competency and/or diversity


o Doctoral degree in public administration or related field; doctorate must be conferred no later than 3/15/2013.
o At least 6 years of relevant professional experience, which must include at least 5 years teaching experience at the college or university level
o Some experience teaching full courses at the graduate level
o Demonstrated potential for administrative work in a university setting
o Willingness to learn and use on-line teaching approaches
o Demonstrated interest, ability and/or experience promoting cultural competency and/or diversity


o Multiple years teaching experience at the college or university level
o Experience teaching at least one full course at the graduate level
o Experience teaching on-line courses


o 6 years of experience teaching at the college or university level
o Multiple years of experience teaching full courses at the graduate level
o Experience in administrative work in a university setting
o Experience teaching on-line courses

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